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Assault Offences

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv > Assault Offences

Assault is the intentional application of force to another person without their consent. It is important to understand that even the perceived threat of assault could result in a charge. Surprising to some, the amount of force applied is immaterial to the laying of the charge. This means that it does not matter how much force was used or if an injury occurred at all.

Assault is one of the most common types of crimes in Edmonton. As an offence found in the Criminal Code of Canada, a conviction may lead to a criminal record and could result in a number of challenges and consequences, such as difficulties travelling internationally and obtaining and/or retaining employment.

Types of Assault

There are different types of assault you can be charged with. Each type is treated with differing levels of seriousness by the Court and Crown Prosecutors. It is important to call our office so that we may advise on the special details of your own charge:

Simple Assault
Assault Causing Bodily Harm
Assault with a Weapon
Aggravated Assault
Assaulting a Peace Officer
Uttering Threats

Is this a Domestic Situation?

Assault charges involving family members are often referred to as “domestic violence”, “spousal violence” or “family violence”. Such allegations are taken very seriously in the criminal justice system. Please see Domestic Violence or call us at 780-429-4004.