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Leduc Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv > Areas We Serve > Leduc Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Provincial Court House – 4612 50 St, Leduc, AB T9E 6L1 

Telephone Number for the Court House – 780-986-9611

Leduc has a population that is ever-increasing. Future projections see this City reaching 50,000 inhabitants soon. 

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv is your go-to criminal defence law firm for Leduc. When you are looking to hire an experienced criminal lawyer to help you fight your charges, think of us. We have been serving this city for almost 20 years.


A question sometimes asked is: Do I really need a criminal lawyer? 

When faced with a cavity, would you fill your own tooth? If you broke a leg, would you reset it yourself? 

While the question “do I really need a criminal lawyer?” is valid, the answer should be obvious. Yes.   

Knowledge of the rules of evidence, the way the police investigate crimes, how prosecutors and judges think is critical to properly defend a case. 

Remember, if you have been charged the government already believes you are guilty regardless of whether you are in fact innocent. It is only with knowledgeable and trained lawyers that you should take on the system. There is an old saying in law “only a fool has himself for a client.” We encourage you to get proper help when fighting your case.  


Being charged with any criminal offence is stressful. Having an experienced criminal lawyer on your side does make a difference and Leduc Criminal Lawyer Ziv will be there for you every step of the way. We are committed, dependable, and dedicated to the cause of justice. Having the right team or lawyer in your corner is essential to winning and Leduc Criminal Lawyer Ziv prides itself on offering pragmatic and competent legal advice.


There are a wide variety of complex rules in regarding what evidence can be used in a criminal case.  

Learning how and what evidence can be used in court is something lawyers have spent years learning about in law school, and they know what evidence in any given case is the most plausible and relevant in helping you advance your position. 

Mr. Ziv and his team will help you navigate through the steps that are involved in defending criminal allegations.


We defend all criminal and provincial charges. We believe that there is no substitute for hiring experienced criminal lawyers and we strive to be the best criminal lawyers. Our area of expertise includes: drug offences, violent offences, sexual assault type offences, and driving offences.

We look forward from hearing from you if you are looking for an experienced criminal lawyer to help you. Please contact us at:



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