For many Canadians, drugs are a regular part of our everyday lives. Many Canadians are routinely prescribed pharmaceuticals and have legally purchased and consumed recreational cannabis.
With that said, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act prohibits the possession, use or control of certain drugs. These drugs and substances are separated into 5 different categories known as “schedules”. The seriousness of the offence is largely influenced by which schedule the drug has been categorized into. Some of the substances are “banned” completely, while others can be possessed under limited conditions, such as if it was prescribed by a doctor.
Common examples include:
Schedule I: Opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines and
Schedule II: Synthetic cannabis. Note: Formerly, cannabis (marijuana) was in this category before its legalization in 2018.
Schedule III: LSD and psilocybin mushrooms (“magic mushrooms”)
Schedule IV: Barbiturates, anabolic steroids, salvia
Schedule VI: Substances generally required to produce other drugs, such as pseudoephedrine and some types of phosphorous
Common Offences
There are a number of offences that one may find themselves charged with. Each charge is treated with differing levels of seriousness by the Court and Crown Prosecutors and involve differing strategies of defence. It is important to call our office at 780-429-4004 so that we may advise on the special details of your own charge: