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Drayton Valley Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv > Areas We Serve > Drayton Valley Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Drayton Valley Criminal Defence Lawyers

Being accused of a crime can be emotionally and financially overwhelming. 

If you have been charged with a criminal offence in the Drayton Valley area, contact Drayton Valley Criminal Lawyer Ziv 24/7 to help you with the criminal process.

We dedicate our job to protecting your rights. 

Mr. Ziv has been serving the town of Drayton Valley for over 15 years, defending criminal charges, including:

  • Impaired Driving
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Homicide and Manslaughter
  • Theft and Fraud
  • Drug Offences
  • Gun offences
  • Traffic Offences

Why are criminal lawyers important to the criminal justice system?

Criminal defence lawyers are extremely important in the Canadian Justice System!

Criminal defence lawyers are responsible for protecting the rights of the individuals who have been convicted of a crime!

Lawyers are responsible to ensure everyone is treated fairly according to law!

At Drayton Valley Criminal Lawyer Ziv, the firm defends the rights of individuals who have been accused of crimes. They will find the best possible outcome available in your case!

Client Approach

Defending a client isn’t just about knowing the law. If you are seeking a lawyer that genuinely cares, and is truly passionate about achieving justice, Drayton Valley Criminal Lawyer Ziv is the right choice for you. 

Mr. Ziv and his team truly care.

Drayton Valley Provincial Court

5313 51 Avenue

Drayton Valley, AB
