Impaired Driving
At high-stress times like the holidays, many of us see no harm in driving home after having one last drink. Nevertheless, the decision to drive under the influence can cost you dearly: if you are found guilty of an impaired driving offence, you could face a fine, loss of your license, or even incarceration.
Having articled in a law firm that practiced impaired driving law, Y. Rory Ziv possesses experience with impaired driving charges dating from the beginning of his career. While the seriousness of such charges cannot be understated, there are frequently mitigating factors at play.
If you or someone you know is facing impaired driving charges, never plead guilty without first consulting a lawyer who practices this area of the law.
Possession and Trafficking
In order to be charged with possession of a drug, you must have knowledge of its existence, consent to its presence, and have some measure of control over the situation. In addition to possession, you may be charged with intent to traffic in a drug. Both charges are extremely serious, and if convicted, you could face time in prison.
Nevertheless, there are frequent challenges to the legality of search procedures when trying drug charges. Y. Rory Ziv will assess the situation and determine the strength of the Crown’s case.
Whether you have been accused of spousal assault, involvement in a bar fight, or sexual assault, there are many possible defences. Y. Rory Ziv can help you choose the best defence against the charges facing you.
In order to prove someone guilty of theft, the Crown must first establish guilty intentions. If you have taken something unthinkingly, you automatically have a defence.
Traffic Offences
As one familiar with traffic court, Y. Rory Ziv is experienced in defending traffic tickets in order to protect your demerit points. Excessive speed and careless driving may result in a licence suspension, but Mr. Ziv knows how to provide the right defence in order to secure the best possible outcome.
The extradition process is a complex area of law involving the Minister of Justice, Court of Queen`s Bench, and Court of Appeal. In some cases a further application to the Supreme Court of Canada is necessary.
Strategy and proper planning are key to obtaining success in the extradition process.
Y. Rory Ziv defends all criminal code offences and may be reached at 780-429-4004 to discuss your charges.