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Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv > Areas We Serve > Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv


A few years ago, a gentleman came to see me. He had been accused of committing a dated sexual assault. He had been found guilty and was awaiting sentence. The jail sentence he was facing meant he would he would lose the ability to care for and be a parent to his children in their formative years.  

He retained us to do his appeal. With the help of his wife, we carefully sifted through the evidence. The evidence didn’t add up. We presented our argument to the Court of Appeal and a unanimous Court overturned the conviction. The Crown ultimately stayed the charges. 

Needless to say, these charges almost ruined our client’s life. He lost his job, had to borrow money from family and friends, and was jailed until we were able to free him pending the outcome of his appeal. 

This is one of many stories we could share about the work we do at Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv. The thing about liberty is that once it is taken away the lost time can never be regained. Whether a person is wrongfully imprisoned for 30 minutes, 30 days or 30 years, the consequences are ever lasting.

At Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv, we are dedicated to be the best criminal lawyers we can be, because we understand that our actions, our knowledge, and our passion for the search for truth is what ultimately causes justice to prevail. Justice doesn’t just happen: we make it happen.  

We would be happy to meet you and discuss your case. We want to help.

Criminal Offences

We defend all criminal offences. Big or small. Murder or traffic tickets. It doesn’t matter, we believe everyone is entitled to a good defence with experienced and dedicated lawyers fighting by your side. 

We can help you if you have been charged with offences in Edmonton or anywhere in Alberta. At Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv, we understand the stress and anxiety associated with being charged with an offence. We can help with:

  • Murder;
  • Sexual Assault;
  • Assault;
  • Spousal Assault;
  • Theft and Fraud;
  • Drug Offences;
  • Gun offences;
  • Traffic Offences;

We are also very proud to announce these awards we’ve received:

Best Dui lawyers in Edmonton
Best Dui lawyers in Edmonton




Edmonton Court House Address:

Law Courts,
1A Sir Winston Churchill Square,
Edmonton, AB
T5J 0R2

Phone: 780-427-7868
Fax: 780-422-9736