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St. Albert Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv > Areas We Serve > St. Albert Criminal Lawyer Ziv

Alberta’s sixth largest city is St. Albert. It is also Alberta’s oldest non-fortified community with the Sturgeon River running through it. 

Provincial Court House St Albert 

3 St Anne St, St. Albert, AB T8N 2E8, telephone number for Court House is 780-458-7300

Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv has a special connection to St. Albert. Rory Ziv, the firm’s founder, first began practising criminal law in this City before he moved his offices to Downtown Edmonton. It is here where he spent many of his Monday mornings in docket court learning and arguing some of his first cases. Rory Ziv has only fond memories of St. Albert and the court house, spending many hours in the court house library which has since been dismantled. 

If you have been charged with a criminal offence in St. Albert and want to hire a firm that is passionate and committed to criminal law then look no further than Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv and St. Albert Criminal Lawyer Ziv. We fight for your right as every stage of the criminal trial process and work harder than anyone to make sure we achieve the best possible outcome. 

If you have been charged with a crime in St Albert contact us to help you. We are proud of our track record and the outcomes we have achieved for our clients’ and have the case history to prove it. If you need an appeal lawyer, a trial lawyer a bail lawyer we can help. 

Call us if you have been charged with:

  • Violent offence including murder
  • Sexual Assault
  • DUI or impaired driving
  • Drive while disqualified 
  • Drug offences
  • Theft
  • Provincial Offences including traffic violations

St. Albert Criminal Lawyer Ziv and Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv will help.

Contact Us

Get in touch with our office today. Please visit our Contact page to send us a message online, or call us at 780-429-4004.