Rory Ziv in the Media: Spring 2025
Here is a list of recent news articles involving Rory Ziv and the Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv law firm.
Here is a list of recent news articles involving Rory Ziv and the Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv law firm.
[1] I recently blogged about an Ontario case that discusses the issue of whether prior communications about sex are relevant in a sexual assault trial. Confusion often arises on this question because of the subtle distinction between threshold relevance and ultimate relevance, and the consequent failure to keep these concepts distinct in admissibility hearings under the section 276 regime of the Criminal Code.
[2] A new case from the British Columbia Court of Appeal illustrates how this error can impact a court’s reasoning, impairing its ability to make accurate findings of fact in a sexual assault trial, and potentially resulting in a wrongful conviction.
[3] In R v. TS, the accused wanted to adduce evidence at trial that he and the complainant had discussed the prospect of engaging in sexual role-play the day before the alleged sexual assault. The role-play contemplated by the accused and complainant was a rape scenario where the complainant would feign sleeping during sex. The text exchange sought to be adduced at trial reads as follows [emphasis added]:
Appellant: I’d love to…Just not sure how to pull that off with you fully
Complainant: I got lots of fantasy’s like [8 words of sexual communication removed]
Appellant: [7 words of sexual communication removed]
Complainant: No when you said you wanna sneak in here when I’m sleeping still can’t get it outta my head
Appellant: Oh and then [2 words of sexual communication removed]
Got it
Complainant: Yup
Appellant: Hot
Keep sending, I’m enjoying your finds
Complainant: I know the door just opened and [12 words of sexual communication removed]
Appellant: Yum
You [8 words of sexual communication removed]?
Complainant: When [name removed] walked in
Appellant: Damn that’s some good shit then
[2 words of sexual communication removed] I take it?
[4] In the same text conversation, the complainant also sent the accused a sexually explicit GIF (short video image) referencing an interest in “rape play.”
[5] The accused claimed that this text conversation was followed by a verbal discussion on the day of the alleged sexual assault. During this verbal discussion, the complainant requested that the accused pretend to be a stranger and have sex with her as she pretends to sleep.
[6] Relying on both the text conversation and the subsequent verbal discussion, the accused’s position at trial was that the sex was consensual or that he believed it was.
[7] The trial judge found that the text conversation was irrelevant to the issues of both consent and mistaken belief in communicated consent. The three-judge panel hearing the case for the British Columbia Court of Appeal unanimously disagreed. At paras 50 and 52, the decision reads as follows:
Viewed in this context, I agree with the appellant that the trial judge erred in her assessment of the relevance of the November Texts. The trial judge found that because the November Texts did not contain a detailed script for the role-play, they were not relevant to the issues of consent or mistaken belief in communicated consent. However, it was wrong for the judge to view the November Texts in isolation. The question of relevance did not turn on whether the November Texts, standing alone, established that the complainant had consented to the activity. The question was, simply, whether the November Texts were logically probative of a fact that was in issue at trial. Here, the key fact in issue was what discussion (if any) took place prior to the sexual activity about a rape role-play.
I also agree that the judge erred in failing to consider the relevance of the November Texts in light of their asserted connection to the Kitchen Conversation. The appellant testified that the Kitchen Conversation represented a continuation of the one that occurred the prior day. The November Texts were prior communications that related to the complainant’s interest in engaging in the very specific type of role-play that the appellant says was then discussed the next morning in the Kitchen Conversation and carried out a short time later. Without the November Texts for context, the appellant was left to testify, in effect, that the Kitchen Conversation occurred out of the blue, rather than as a follow-up to a discussion that the complainant initiated and participated in.
The issue of relevance did not turn on whether or not the appellant would actually succeed on any of his defences at the conclusion of trial. Evidence does not have to establish a fact to be relevant, nor does it need to be determinative. Whether the appellant and the complainant communicated in advance about a sexual role-play that would involve a stranger rape and feigned sleep was directly relevant to the issues of whether the complainant consented to the sexual activity and whether the appellant had an honest but mistaken belief in communicated consent. Indeed, whether such communication occurred was the critical factual issue at trial. The trial judge correctly accepted that evidence of the Kitchen Conversation was relevant for a purpose (ascertaining consent) that did not involve twin-myth reasoning. However, she erred in failing to carry this analysis through to the November Texts.
[8] This case provides an example of how the foundational concept of relevancy is being overlooked or misapplied in many sexual assault cases. Moreover, it underscores the need for judges and defence counsel to be vigilant in ensuring that the lower standard for threshold relevance is adhered to. As the court notes at para 41, “generally speaking, the threshold for evidentiary relevance is low.”.
[9] I also want to comment on a specific credibility finding the trial judge made in this case and offer some critique.
[10] The trial judge found the complainant’s denial of the verbal discussion about role-play just prior to the alleged assault credible because her denials “were spoken with a firmness and clarity absent in many other of her answers.”
[11] Why does this make the complainant’s evidence more credible? What assumption is the judge relying on to make this credibility finding? Is it not just as likely, or at least possible, that this firm denial is a result of embarrassment? After all, the complainant is giving testimony in an open courtroom—a very public place—and is being challenged on a very personal fantasy.
[12] I am skeptical of credibility findings made on a whim. If you are going to employ logic to make a credibility finding, all other logical possibilities should be ruled out before drawing a firm conclusion. Without a logical basis or explanation of why an overly assertive denial is more credible, this kind of reasoning should not stand.
[13] There is a larger problem at play here and it has to do with confirmation bias error in credibility findings, but that is a past discussion and part of a larger topic.
[1] I have been practising criminal law in Alberta for at least twenty years. My work has also taken me to other provinces in the country, including Ontario, B.C., Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
[2] Prior to 2017, I had done maybe one or two surety releases in my career. In Alberta, the carrot and the stick, so to speak, had always been releasing on cash bail. This process was efficient. A person was arrested and the offer of cash, where appropriate, was the mechanism used to secure people who required more onerous forms of release.
[3] However, about five years ago, following the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision of R. v. Antic 2017 SCC 27, surety bails became more prevalent in Alberta.
[4] Bail courts in Ontario are vastly different from those in Alberta. In that province, the default method of bail release has always been through a surety: not cash.
[5] What is a surety? In common speak, it is a person known to the accused who acts as a jailor while that person is on community release. It could be a friend, a family member, or even a spouse. The surety promises the court that they will monitor and supervise the accused person and immediately inform the court if that person violates the terms of their release.
[6] The court must trust that the surety is a suitable person to complete this task and sometimes asks that the surety be cross examined on their suitability. See R. v. Smith-Lowe, 2022 ABQB 494, at paras 33-34, where Justice Devlin says:
While the examination of sureties before bail courts is common practice in many jurisdictions, that is less the case in Alberta. With the move away from cash bails pursuant to the guidance of the Supreme Court in R v Antic, 2017 SCC 27, the practice of examining and cross-examining proposed sureties should become more commonplace here. Sureties are a far superior form of release to cash in that they provide a prosocial influence to the accused individuals, as well as a continuous set of supervising eyes in the community. In turn, hearing from sureties personally is often revelatory as to their suitability. Some sureties significantly impress the Court with their clarity, candour, and strength of character such that a release to them as the gaoler in the community becomes a viable answer to significant primary, secondary, and even tertiary grounds which would otherwise see an accused person detained.
On the other hand, even a brief examination may reveal a surety to be underinformed, naïve, or otherwise unprepared for the task of supervising someone with potentially significant criminal involvement. I strongly urge counsel in the Provincial Court, in which bail applications are most often heard, to adopt the practice of presenting and examining sureties in serious cases. Public safety and confidence in the administration of justice will be greatly enhanced if this is done.
[7] In the more recent decision of R. v. Smith, 2024 ABKB 762, the same Justice Devlin had this to say, at para 1, about Alberta’s bail system: “The history leading to this application is significant and also a source for serious concern about bail practices in this province, especially as concerns have increased relating to alleged repeat offenders being released through a revolving door of small and ineffective cash bails.”
[8] On an aside, the above quote seems to be the same type of rhetoric we now hear politically as the country gears up for a general election this year. In any event, the Justice on the facts of this case was highly critical of the release protocols currently in place in Alberta. The case is a call for action and change.
[9] Justice Devlin forcefully explains in Smith that “a little bit more cash” is not an effective bail method and that “[t]he practice of granting unsupervised cash bails to individuals apprehended for serious offences while already on bail, especially with a track record of noncompliance and strong indicators of involvement in the drug/criminal subculture, must stop.”
[10] As a result of this case and the political changes happening in Canada, bail practise in Alberta is going to shift from a cash to a surety system. What this means for Alberta lawyers is that the release process is going to require more time and effort to secure and brief sureties and conduct bail hearings. Legal costs and strain on the system will increase.
[11] I would add that Justice Devlin, at para 22 of Smith, also fairly recognizes that “[i]n Ontario, there has been persuasive criticism of over-reliance on sureties for accused persons without significant criminal antecedents.” In Alberta, we must find the right balance when it comes to the use of sureties in our bail system.
[1] There has been public disagreement about the issuance of arrest warrants by the International
Criminal Court “ICC” for the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Israeli
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.1 These warrants are under appeal.2
[2] The main goal of the ICC as described by the ICC’s governing statute, “the Rome Statute”,3 is
laudable: to ensure that perpetrators of the most serious crimes against humanity, who cannot
otherwise be prosecuted in national criminal jurisdictions, are prosecuted.4 It is non-negotiable that
this objective is sound.
[3] The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has publicly stated that he would without question
cooperate with the warrant process5 while the official opposition leader, Pierre Poilievre, has signaled
he does not approve of the warrants.
6 Some countries who are signatories with the ICC have indicated they would either not honour
the warrants or are non-committal.7
[4] Whether Canada should or should not endorse the warrants is beyond the scope of this paper.
However, Canada, as an independent sovereign country, should at least make its own inquiries and
conduct its own analysis. It does not benefit Canada to be passively compliant in partner with the ICC.
Canada’s international reputation and our international relationship with other countries, including
those who are and who are not members of the ICC, is paramount and certainly justifies our government
undertaking a fulsome and independent review of the ICC process that led to the arrest warrants that
we are being asked to support.
[6] On May 20, 2024, the ICC Prosecutor issued a public statement9 saying he was seeking the arrest
of Netanyahu and Gallant. In the statement, the following was alleged [emphasis added]:
My Office submits that these acts were committed as part of a common plan to use
starvation as a method of war and other acts of violence against the Gazan civilian
population as a means to (i) eliminate Hamas; (ii) secure the return of the hostages which
Hamas has abducted, and (iii) collectively punish the civilian population of Gaza, whom
they perceived as a threat to Israel.
The effects of the use of starvation as a method of warfare, together with other attacks
and collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza are acute, visible and
widely known, and have been confirmed by multiple witnesses interviewed by my Office,
including local and international medical doctors. They include malnutrition,
dehydration, profound suffering and an increasing number of deaths among the
Palestinian population, including babies, other children, and women.
[7] From this statement it is apparent that one of the central allegations being made by the
Prosecutor was that Israel, as part of a common plan, was setting out to collectively punish the
population of Gaza and that the use of starvation was implemented.
[8] In support of the allegation, the Prosecutor adds: As an additional safeguard, I have also been
grateful for the advice of a panel of experts in international law, an impartial group I convened to support
the evidence review and legal analysis in relation to these arrest warrant applications.10
[9] The Prosecutor advances a position of impartiality: “an impartial group I convened”. How did
the Prosecutor convene this panel of impartial experts? Who are they? Are they impartial? Why were
they chosen? Certainly, a random selection of experts would extinguish the appearance of bias and
ensure that an objective perspective was being relayed back to the Prosecutor – for the Prosecutor’s sake
and the appearance of neutrality.
[10] The legal arena is fraught with differing viewpoints on the issuance of the warrants. There are
dozens of legal briefs filed with the ICC by other international law experts refuting the ability of the ICC
to issue arrest warrants. Opposition to the warrants have formed mostly on traditional partisan lines
where countries like the United Kingdom (before their July 2024 election) and USA have filed legal briefs
disagreeing with or questioning the arrest warrant requests.11
[11] Even renowned International Lawyer Alan Dershowitz has publicly disagreed with their issuance
from a legal perspective,12 and has threatened to form a consortium of international experts to challenge
the ICC Prosecutor’s position.
[12] In Canada, the law recognizes a concept called Reasonable Apprehension of Bias “RAB”. This is
different from actual bias. The question is not whether a decision maker is factually biased, but whether,
by their actions, the reasonable observer would have cause to question their impartiality.13 What
impression is left with the observer?
[13] There have been briefs filed with the ICC asserting actual Prosecutor bias. For example, Eli M.
Rosenbaum, former Director of the United States Department of Justice, Office of Special
Investigations14, concluded in his brief to the ICC: “[w]ith the OTP’s [office of the prosecutor] credibility
on the line, the Prosecutor should be required by your Honors to satisfactorily address the questions
raised herein regarding apparent bias, including whether OTP has unfairly applied to its Israeli targets
standards that it has not applied to others”.15
[14] This writer does not have to go as far as saying the Prosecutor or the expert panel he selected
is actually biased. Their actions do however suggest RAB.
[15] On May 20, 2024, the Prosecutor issued a public statement16 that he was seeking the arrest of
the Israeli officials. In a brief filed on behalf of the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence “OPCD”17, it
was pointed out that going public was not routine and impacted fair trial rights, including implicating
the presumption of innocence.18
[16] As stated by counsel for the OPCD: “While communications of the ICC Prosecutor to the press
are not barred, such pronouncement runs afoul of the aforementioned jurisprudence, is outside of usual
OTP practice, and runs contrary to advice of the Chambers Practice Manual …”. Why did the Prosecutor
decide to make public the issuance of the arrest warrants? His response to this charge was simply that
it was not the first time he had done so.19 Even so, making information public seems to be the exception,
not the rule and his response – that he is allowed to – falls short of a satisfactory answer.
[17] An OTP spokesperson explained that the matter went public because the Prosecutor had
“significant concern[s] regarding the ongoing nature of many of the alleged crimes cited in the
[18] Some may argue that going public by itself says nothing about an outward appearance of bias.
After all, the Prosecutor also asked for arrest warrants for Hamas leaders. This argument is weak. It
would be akin to saying the Prosecutor is fair and impartial because in addition to seeking warrants for
Winston Churchill, he also sought warrants for Hitler. Seeking a warrant for the latter is easy,
noncontroversial and obvious. Arresting Hitler or Sinwar doesn’t show impartiality. The Prosecutor
would have had no real decision to make regarding these fiends.
[19] In any event, in his public statement, the Prosecutor said: “I convened [an impartial group] to
support the evidence review and legal analysis in relation to these arrest warrant applications.” In fact,
there is a major flaw with the legal process used.
[20] First, the “evidence review” that the Prosecutor speaks of is not available for public scrutiny. He
compiled it, showed it to his experts, and then presented it to the judges, who then issued the warrants.
[21] What the panel was not asked to do was legally analyze whether the court should take the case
because of admissibility (complementarity) concerns. In fact, the first footnote of the panel’s decision
is that they did not advise on this issue.21
[22] Recall, the objective of the ICC is to ensure that perpetrators of the most serious crimes against
humanity, who cannot otherwise be prosecuted in national criminal jurisdictions, are prosecuted.
[22] Paragraph 10 of the Preamble, Article 1, 17 of the Rome Statute22 addresses the issue of
complementarity, also known as admissibility. What this means is that if Israel is unwilling to investigate
and prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes then the ICC can intervene.
[23] The Prosecutor’s position is that the interpretation of the Rome Statute on the issue of
admissibility is not relevant when seeking arrest warrants “[c]onsistent with the Court’s settled
jurisprudence, the Chamber need not assess complementarity for the purpose of the present article 58
proceedings [obtaining an arrest warrant] because there is nothing requiring it to do so.”23 This will
likely be one of the issues that will be litigated going forward.
[24] The Israeli Bar Association submitted a brief explaining the steps already taken to investigate
those accused of war crimes, and further advised the ICC that Netanyahu and Gallant were being sued
in Israel, petitions filed in March 2024, for humanitarian violations within Gaza.24
[25] In addition, Israel’s Notice to Appeal the warrants asserts:
On 1 May 2024, Israel notified the OTP [office of the prosecutor] that it “is willing and able
to investigate and, where necessary, prosecute any alleged violations of international law
relating to the current conflict,” and requested that the Prosecutor “defer any investigation
it may be conducting in relation to any alleged criminal acts attributed to Israeli nationals
or others within Israel’s jurisdiction, in favour of Israel’s processes for review, examination,
investigation and proceedings under its national legal system, as further explained below.”
The Prosecutor was specifically invited to bring to Israel’s attention any alleged crimes
attributed to Israeli nationals or others within its jurisdiction so that “relevant Israeli
authorities can examine and investigate those allegations with a view to ensuring
accountability in line with the applicable law.”25
[26] Israel, in their appeal notice seems to suggest, that the Prosecutor was non-communicative on
this point.26
[27] To date, and despite the complementarity issue being a threshold issue or bar or litigation, this
issue is irrelevant at this early stage because the ICC has sided with the Prosecutor’s interpretation of
the law – that the issue of complementarity need not be considered at this stage (the warrant stage).
[28] In any event, when the Prosecutor says his expert team supported “the evidence reviews and
legal analysis” [emphasis added], it is a misspeak and an important one. His panel specifically did not
address the issue of complementarity.
[29] The charge was and is that Israel, as part of a systematic plan, chose to collectively punish
Palestinian civilians by starving them, as retribution by Israel not only on Hamas but on the Gaza
population for the acts committed by Hamas. It is an extraordinary claim and “extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence”.27 The evidence is secret, but the panel’s report offers some clues.
[30] The report says that Netanyahu and Gallant are responsible for the killings of civilians who died
as a result of starvation.28 This claim ignores key facts, including that aid resumed on October 21, 202329,
and that food supplies were consistently hijacked by Hamas30. In addition, the claim of starvation in the
two weeks immediately following October 7 would mean that Gaza had no food reserves.
[31] A group of professors in a legal brief to the ICC cited evidence that there was a “significant
under-reporting of foodstuffs entering the Gaza Strip and concluded that the former claims of “famine”
were not supportable.31 In addition, Hamas claimed thirty-four deaths were caused by starvation, but
all published cases relate only to children and all of these children were confirmed to have suffered
from other serious co-morbidities.32
[32] Another group, the High Level Military Group “HLMG”, a group of High Ranking military officials
(retired) from the U.S., Italy, UK, France, and Spain, specifically refute the charge of starvation. They
visited entry points built by Israel into Gaza to facilitate delivery of aid. In addition, the HLMG questioned
Israeli IDF commanders, and they were not aware of any policy established by Israel to purposely
prevent the facilitation of aid into Gaza.33
[33] The world requires proof of any policy statement by Israel that says, “Starve the Palestinians as
payback for October 7, 2023”. Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary proof.
[34] Allegations of total siege by Israel are also questionable. The Rafah crossing between Israel and
Egypt was not under Israeli control between October 8, 2023 and May 6, 2024, but under Egyptian
control.34 A CNN report says: “A Palestinian border official told CNN that Egypt had blocked the gates of
the crossing with concrete slabs. Egypt has denied reports that it has closed its side of the crossing, and
said the Palestinian side has been damaged by repeated Israeli airstrikes.”35 These facts will have to be
adjudicated at trial (if there is a trial) but firsthand witness accounts, like that of a Palestinian border
officer is more reliable, not positions of partisan governments and agencies.
[35] The Prosecutor publicly suggested that there was a total siege of Gaza. However, if Israel built
roads to let aid into Gaza, and there was no Stalin-like starvation policy undertaken by Israel, then the
Prosecutor’s position, both publicly and legally, is significantly compromised.
[36] Unfortunately, none of these refutations have been considered by the ICC because of the legal
maneuvering to date and the Court’s interpretation of the Rome Statute. Hopefully, the Court in future
will issue reasons that are transparent on the issue of complementarity.
[37] The final flaw in the legal analysis/legal process used by the ICC, in this discussion, pertains to
the panel itself.
[38] The panel’s report was stated as unanimous.36 As an observation, what is the likelihood that six
impartial experts would come to the same conclusion, especially in such a contentious war?
[39] Granted, it is entirely possible that the evidence presented to the panel by the Prosecutor was
so one-sided that a broad consensus would have been reached by any credible person reviewing the
evidence. However, as mentioned above, the evidence is redacted and therefore not available for public
[40] This fact alone, that the evidence is hidden should have necessitated a rigorous mechanism
employed for selecting a panel. Selecting panel members who were unanimous in their conclusion, who
also happen to support the Prosecutor’s position and theory, is optically concerning.
[41] What if the Prosecutor had selected experts who have written in opposition to the warrants?
Would the same conclusions have been reached? Likely not, and that is the point. This exercise by the
Prosecutor of selecting an “impartial panel” is a show. It’s quintessential confirmation bias.38
[42] The panel was assembled in January 2024.39 The New York Times reported that many of the
panel members has known strong anti-Israel views.40 When examining some of the panelists pre-
engagement positions, the following is revealed.
[43] Danny Friedman, an international lawyer, in an article dated October 17, 2023 wrote: “There are
some aspects of Israel’s response that already cause significant concern … To be clear, collective
punishment [emphasis added] is prohibited by the laws of war.”41
[44] Friedman’s article signals that Israel’s military response to October 7, 2023, was concerning,
and while he may or may not have reached any firm conclusion on collective punishment when he wrote
the piece, it was clearly on his mind. It should have disqualified him from sitting on the panel because
this appears to be a central theory the Prosecutor was asking him to confirm.
[45] This is not a criticism of Friedman, but of the Prosecutor. Since Friedman’s comments were public
before the Prosecutor assembled the panel, there is a very real perception, true or not, that the
Prosecutor knew Friedman’s slant on the issue before he was selected.
[46] Likewise, Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, in an interview given on October 24, 2023 to a magazine
called Prospect, warned against collective punishment.42 To maintain the appearance of impartiality, she
should not have been selected as a panelist. On March 14, 2024, while still sitting on the Panel and prior
the panel’s conclusion she said: “The ICJ has given a warning to Israel; now is the time for all of us to say:
enough is enough.”43 There is RAB. She is sitting as a de facto judge and has pre-judged.
[47] Panelist Amal Clooney is the wife of the famous actor, George Clooney. She is also a human
rights lawyer and appears to be involved in an admirable charity called the Clooney Foundation for
Justice. Their work is documented on their website, What is also documented on the website is
the fact that Helena Kennedy sits as a trial board advisory member44 and that the Prosecutor has publicly
endorsed Mrs. Clooney45 wherein he has stated, “I have the great honour that Amal accepted an
invitation to be my special advisor on Sudan …”. This would have pre-dated her January 2024 selection
to the panel.
[48] There is likely nothing sinister about the relationships the panel members have with each other
and the past relationships they have had with the Prosecutor, but those relationships cloud the claim of
impartiality. The appearance of arms-length relationships is important, especially on such a delicate and
controversial topic.
[49] Would Friedman or Kennedy have been selected had they written ten days post-war that Israel’s
response to cutting off aid (if that happened) was entirely proportionate, justified, and valid in the
circumstances? This is the point. Superficially, it appears as if the Prosecutor has selected a panel to
confirm his theory, as he knew they would. This is confirmation bias presented as impartiality. It is
[50] War is horrific for all caught in the conflict. This week tragic scenes of bread queues were
reported and evident in Gaza. Hundreds, if not thousands of people amassed around a bakery, with some
even being crushed to death by the weight of the crowd while waiting to buy bread.46 This has been a
hard war and it has been a visible war. It has been well documented. The Nazis tried to cover up their
crimes, but Hamas recorded their crimes, with glee, on their Go-Pros. The depravity of Hamas is hard to
describe. Kidnapped babies and emergency responders observed the body of a baby that had been
cooked alive in an oven at Kibbutz Kfar Aza: “the body became swollen and as a result of the heating
element of the oven became attached to the body itself.” 47
[51] Many have questioned the severity of Israel’s response. This time, Israel’s response was not half
measures. Thousand killed, injured and hundreds raped or kidnapped should invoke a powerful reprisal.
From Israel’s viewpoint, no apology is needed or will be made for quashing the horrific and inhumane
evil-doings of Hamas. Perhaps if the world had stood united with one voice about removing Hamas
quickly from all forms of influence, the war would have ended sooner.
[52] Unfortunately, equivocation and moral confusion prevented a swift response. “All eyes on Rafah” (where
that Hamas leader Sinwar met his demise) slowed the IDF’s progress. This moral confusion, at least from
a RAB viewpoint, has permeated into the ICC. Canada should take a cautious approach with these warrants.
If the Attorney General on behalf of the Prime Minister is required to sign off on an arrest warrant, some
pause, reflection and deliberation would be prudent.
2 ICC-01/18-385 and ICC-01/386
3 Rome Statute
4 This is the writer’s synthesis of the preamble of the Rome Statute
7 See footnote 1 and
8 Hizballah and Hamas are listed as terror organizations by Canada see
9 May 20, 2024, Public Statement
10 Ibid [emphasis added]
11 ICC-01/18-171 and
13 A description by the famous British Jurist, Lord Denning describes the concept, as quoted by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. S.(R.D.) 1997 3 SCR 484 at para 11.
15 ICC-01/18-280 at para 17
16 See footnote 9
17 An ICC body employed to safeguard those who have no standing at the initial stages of an investigation.
18 ICC-01/18-342 at paras 14 and 20
19 ICC-01/18-346 at para 41.
20 ICC-01/18-280 at para 10
21 Expert Panel Report
22 Rome Statute
23 ICC-01/18-346 at para 34
24 ICC-01/18-313 at para 29
25 ICC-01/18-385 at para 11
26 ICC-01/18-285 at para 12; and the Rome Statute, Article 53(4) permits the Prosecutor to consider new information at any time.
27 An expression attributed to Carl Sagan
28 Para 31of the report
30 ICC-01/18-267 at para 7
31 ICC-01/18-279 at para 16
32 Ibid at para 17
33 ICC-01/18-267 at para 3
34 Ibid at para 18
37 The writer wrote to the ICC on November 27, 2024 and they confirmed this.
38 This is almost an identical observation made by Eugene Kontrovich in his New York Times article
39 at para 7
45 – please note, on the date I accessed this site for publication this reference had been removed, therefore I have attached my screenshot of this reference to this document.
48 The Sin of Moral Equivalence: Sam Harris;
The definition of a weapon is found in s. 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada. It is reproduced below.
weapon means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use
and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm and, for the purposes of sections 88, 267 and 272, any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use in binding or tying up a person against their will;
The answer to the question will in large part depend on whether the knife can be categorized as a weapon based on the above definition?
If the answer to this question is yes, the next issue is whether carrying the weapon is a crime. For example, if a person is on a court order not to possess a weapon and they carry a kitchen knife determined to be a weapon then they have committed a crime.
Ordinarily, carrying a kitchen knife, which is a weapon, by itself is not a crime, unless it is being carried for a purpose dangerous to the public, see R. v. Kerr 2004 SCC 44.
So, can a kitchen knife be categorized as a weapon? The best answer is found in the case R. v. Vader 2018 ABQB 1 at para 20 where Justice Clackson says “an item which is both violent and non-violent in potential use will be found to be a weapon where the context supports the inference that was the accused’s design and the context does not support any other reasonable possibility”.
For example, a person who is carrying a kitchen knife in a bar may have some explaining to do. It may very well be that without a reasonable explanation the knife will be categorized as a weapon.
A reasonable explanation for carrying a knife in a bar is that you just purchased the knife and stopped in the bar for a quick drink. If this explanation is not rejected, then the kitchen knife would not be a weapon.
Imagine a situation where one person texts another person “meet me at the school playground at 2 pm tomorrow if you want to fight?”. Assume the fight takes place the following day, at the agreed upon location and time, and one person is charged with assaulting the other.
It should be apparent from this fact pattern that a lawyer would want to explore why a person was charged, since ostensibly, it appears as there was evidence that the fight was consensual.
Remember, an assault is a non-consensual touching. Ordinarily, consensual fights would not be a crime (there are exceptions like bodily harm intended and caused or actions outside the scope of the agreed upon conduct).
In the realm of the law of assault the text message “meet me at the school playground …” would be admissible evidence as some evidence showing consent. It may not be determinative depending on the facts, but it would certainly be relevant especially if the accused person was suggesting the fight was consensual.
Enter the topic of sexual assault, which is also a non-consensual touching, the difference is that it is of a sexual nature. Change the text message to the following: “meet me in my bedroom tomorrow night at 8 pm I want to have sex with you”.
Some arguments, supported by some cases, have taken the position that this type of text message is not relevant because consent must be given at the time of the event in issue and past agreements about consent cannot be relevant to whether there was actual consent at the relevant time.
In my opinion this type of reasoning is flawed because it bypasses a threshold relevance issue. Some thinkers don’t consider the possibility that some past communications could show proof of present intention. While it is not direct evidence, it is circumstantial evidence.
A person can agree with having sex in the future, but that sex must still be agreed upon at the relevant time for it to be consensual. That doesn’t make the past communication –irrelevant—the past communication is still a piece of evidence that can be used by the accused person, to show along with other evidence, that there was consent at the relevant time.
There has in my opinion been a fundamental breakdown or break up of the fundamental building blocks of what is “relevancy” and as a result I am particularly concerned that there are going to be wrongful convictions that flow. Two recent appeal decisions arrive at different conclusions of a very basic and fundamental issue. See the following cases: R. v. Reimer 2024 ONCA 519 but see R. v. MacMillan 2024 ONCA 115.
The Adult Alternative Measures Program (AMP) is a program that is available to divert someone accused of a crime away from the traditional criminal justice system. The AMP is a preferred approach to resolving criminal matters because, if an accused successfully completes the AMP, charges against them will be withdrawn, which means no criminal record will result from the matters resolved under the AMP.
AMP is an option that is available to individuals who don’t have a criminal record, didn’t participate in the program previously, and are charged with minor criminal offences or summary conviction offences. An individual may be eligible for a second chance to do the AMP if at least two years have elapsed since the last completion of the program or finding of guilt.
Participation in this program is at the Crown’s discretion (I often get the question “Who is the Crown?” The Crown is the prosecutor, representing the government).
Pursuant to Section 717 of the Criminal Code, the Adult AMP is authorizedand contains the following requirements of eligibility:
S.717 When Alternative Measured May Be Used
(1) Alternative measures may be used to deal with a person alleged to have committed an offence only if it is not inconsistent with the protection of society and the following conditions are met:
(a) the measures are part of a program of alternative measures authorized by the Attorney General or the Attorney General’s delegate or authorized by a person, or a person within a class of persons, designated by the lieutenant governor in council of a province;
(b) the person who is considering whether to use the measures is satisfied that they would be appropriate, having regard to the needs of the person alleged to have committed the offence and the interests of society and of the victim;
(c) the person, having been informed of the alternative measures, fully and freely consents to participate therein;
(d) the person has, before consenting to participate in the alternative measures, been advised of the right to be represented by counsel;
(e) the person accepts responsibility for the act or omission that forms the basis of the offence that the person is alleged to have committed;
(f) there is, in the opinion of the Attorney General or the Attorney General’s agent, sufficient evidence to proceed with the prosecution of the offence; and
(g) the prosecution of the offence is not in any way barred at law.
(2) Restriction On Use
Alternative measures shall not be used to deal with a person alleged to have committed an offence if the person
(a) denies participation or involvement in the commission of the offence; or
(b) expresses the wish to have any charge against the person dealt with by the court.
The summary conviction offences include:
Traffic offences and serious offences such as drug offences involving trafficking in a controlled substance, those resulting in the death of an individual, violence, and sexual offences among others, are not eligible for the AMP.
The Crown must be convinced to divert the matter to the AMP. For that, it is imperative that the defence lawyer have a good handle on the facts of the case, the law and the client’s background such as the family situation, job, education, goals, motive and if the individual is willing to take responsibility. At Ziv Law, we have successfully convinced the Crown to divert many of our clients to the AMP.
Once the Crown agrees to divert the matter to the AMP, the client will sign an AMP form indicating that they have taken responsibility for the offence. This doesn’t mean that you plead guilty, entered into a guilty plea or admitted any of the allegations.
The individual will have a number of months 4-6 to complete the AMP.
The AMP may include any or all of the following:
Upon completion of the program, the charges are withdrawn, but before that, the individual is required to provide proof of completion of the AMP to the program coordinator and the Crown. The individual will not have a criminal record. There will be no conviction.
However, your participation in the AMP may show up on some high-level criminal record checks (such as a government security screening) for a period of 12 months. Also, a CPIC (police database) query will show your enrollment in the program.
If you have been charged with a minor criminal offence and have completed the program more than two times, you should call Ziv Law about your options.
We all know that being charged with a criminal offence is a serious matter that can affect your employment, ability to travel, education, and can have overall lifelong consequences. The AMP is a program that can help to minimize the impacts of your charges.
Ziv Law can help determine if the AMP is a good option for you.
** Please note, this article is intended as a general overview on the subject of criminal law, and is not intended to be legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, please consult Ziv Law Lawyers.
‘This will be my first blog entry for the Ziv Law Group, and I’m excited to write it. I’m going to talk about an issue that is very near and dear to my heart. Something that plagues our criminal justice system, and I would venture to say every criminal justice system that makes an effort. I’m going to talk about the relationship between mental illness and criminality. But this is too vast a topic to contain in a blog entry, so I’m specifically going to focus on those cases where the crime is something much less than murder and the mental illness may range between leaving the Accused with no capacity to make meaningful rational choices, or something nearing that lower degree of capacity on that spectrum.
The following two examples should make the problem I am talking about more clear. These are real people and examples, but significant details have been changed to protect client identity. Of course, everyone at Ziv Law Group is entitled to confidentiality. Here, I have respected that sacred duty by keeping details vague enough that it could be anyone, with a dash of fabrication, all while preserving the core of the scenario to make the point.
The first example is a client that had some major cognitive delay and unfortunately assaulted a care giver impulsively. This person struck the care giver on the face and body, pulled hair, and shouted that they would “end” the victim before intervention came. This person was an adult, but was residing full time in an institutionalized care unit under 24/7 supervision. They were also subjected to an adult guardianship order which places members of their family in charge over the major medical and life decisions. The evidence was that although there was some freedom for this individual to decide what they wanted day-to-day, such as what to have for breakfast or what to wear, the true ambit of this person’s personal freedoms was actually very limited. For instance, they could not simply declare that they were going to a park or the library. These things had to be scheduled in advance, and might be considered “goals” at the next care plan meeting that the individual was invited to. This person would never be allowed to go to a pub, get intoxicated, play a few games of billiards with a new love interest, and then go explore that further in private.
The second example is a client that was in a serious motor vehicle accident and appeared to have some organic brain damage from the accident. During their stay in the hospital for treatment from that same accident, they became aggravated, confused, and were insisting on going home because they had important things to do. This was, to put it bluntly, and insane choice and one that would have put the person in extreme jeopardy. The hospital, likely quite properly, ordered this second individual physically restrained because they were thrashing about and threating violence on hospital staff. The doctor found that the person knew what they were saying and doing, but nevertheless lacked the mental capacity to make reasonable choices concerning their personal health at the time. A few days later, while recovering and fully restrained by arm and leg harnesses, this person freed a limb and struck a hospital staff member while demanding to be freed.
Both of these example clients were prosecuted by Alberta Justice, and unfortunately according to the law as written, both are “guilty” in law of criminal assault. I posed the issue using these two examples, because I am hoping you as a reader will have the same common sense revulsion that I do. In both of these cases, we as a society have already decided that the individual does not bare the same responsibility as another ordinarily functioning adult in our society. We’ve already said they can’t make their own decisions. This alone, to my mind, demands an approach that is distinct from the stigma and moral culpability involved in criminal sentencing. No one hearing about these cases is going to feel like “justice” is done regardless of how heavy or light the ultimate sentence turns out to be. “Justice” will be done when we address both the mental disorder and the quality of care and supervision as the problem, rather than punishing the disordered individual as if they were the problem.
As it stands today, our criminal law draws a bright line between “not criminally responsible” and the rest of us. The test for “not criminally responsible” was, in my view, clearly modelled on the Accused with schizophrenia or other delusional disorder that commits a major crime such as murder under their hallucinations. The test is found in s. 16(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Defence of mental disorder
16 (1) No person is criminally responsible for an act committed or an omission made while suffering from a mental disorder that rendered the person incapable of appreciating the nature and quality of the act or omission or of knowing that it was wrong.
(2) Every person is presumed not to suffer from a mental disorder so as to be exempt from criminal responsibility by virtue of subsection (1), until the contrary is proved on the balance of probabilities.
Burden of proof
(3) The burden of proof that an accused was suffering from a mental disorder so as to be exempt from criminal responsibility is on the party that raises the issue.
Historically, the roots of this test are from the case of Rex v. M’Naghten (1843) 8 E.R. 718; (1843) 10 Cl. & F. 200. Mr. M’Naghten was charged with murder for shooting and killing a man named Edward Drummond as he was under the delusional misunderstanding that Mr. Drummond was the British Prime Minister. The Court found him not guilty and the case went to the House of Lords, which found:
the jurors ought to be told in all cases that every man is to be presumed to be sane, and to possess a sufficient degree of reason to be responsible for his crimes, until the contrary be proved to their satisfaction; and that to establish a defence on the ground of insanity, it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was labouring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or, if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong.
It is with even more delicious irony that I recall the case of John Hinckley Jr., the man who attempted to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan. Mr. Hinchley Jr. was similarly diagnosed with schizophrenia and was under a convoluted delusion that the assassination of Ronald Reagan would impress Jodie Foster, whom Mr. Hinckley Jr. was obsessed with. His specific delusions were an amalgamation of fact and fiction from the movie “Taxi Driver” and real life. History for our insanity defence(s) may have played out differently in the US and Canada had this infamous assassination attempt not generated incredible outcry for prosecution in 1981 and as his trial progressed. Mr. Hinckley Jr. was convicted for murder after the following jury instruction was provided:
The M’Naghten standard therefore survives in our s. 16(1) of the Criminal Code. I must pause to speculate whether Mr. M’Naghten himself would have been eligible under s. 16 of the Criminal Code today given the Court’s reasons in R. v. Landry, 1991 CanLII 114 (SCC), [1991] 1 SCR 99. Mr. Landry was found not guilty by reason of mental disorder under s. 16(1), and the Supreme Court of Canada found that he did not know what he did was morally wrong. The Court broke down s. 16(1) explaining that “knowing” the action was “wrong” referred to a moral wrong and not merely that it was illegal. However, whereas Mr. Landry believed his murder was a mission from God to kill the devil, I wonder whether Mr. M’Naghten’s more earthly and personal mission of killing a man he believed to be the Prime Minister would meet the test in a Canadian court today. You may have notices that assassination of the Prime Minister is still a murder and had Mr. M’Naghten’s delusions been true he would just be a guilty assassin. Mr. M’Naghten appreciated the nature and quality of his acts and would have known that the murder of a man, unlike the that of a devil, is wrong.
The burden is on the Government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt either that the defendant was not suffering from a mental disease or defect on March 30, 1981, or else that he nevertheless had substantial capacity on that date both to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law and to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct.
Yes, despite being obviously delusional and “insane” in the ordinary sense, Mr. Hinkley Jr. fell short of the M’Naghten standard as it developed in the US.
Now I circle back at last to our two examples from my own practice, and what became of them. Well, I certainly didn’t raise a “not criminally responsible” defence under s. 16 of the Criminal Code. You see, upon successfully arguing a “not criminally responsible” defence, the Court refers the individual to a review board under s. 672.47 of the Criminal Code, and the process becomes an administrative medical decision. There are no minimum or maximum periods of internment for the crime, because the individual is no longer being punished – they are being treated. And said treatment could translate into real life pragmatic terms to a life sentence in a psychiatric unit. In real criminal law practice, responsible lawyers rarely raise the s. 16 defence except unless a life sentence is the alternative.
In cases where the Accused was committed some (comparatively) minor act of assault against a person, we defence lawyers are better off having our obviously mentally ill clients “accept responsibility” and argue for mitigation in sentencing rather than absolution. For the two examples I have given, society has already obviously decided that they were not fit to make even the most basic fundamental choices about their lives, but we will still criminally prosecute such people because we have bifurcated our criminal responsibility into the black and white categories set out in ss. 16 and 672.47 of the Criminal Code. You can either put yourself at the mercy of the review board or take it on the chin and be punished as a criminal.
I do have to admit that we are making slow progress in this department. Edmonton’s Mental Health Court is very good at parsing out medical and mental health histories of individuals and then directing appropriate probation conditions or treatment orders that might be within the Court’s power to set things right. Our friends at the Crown’s Prosecutor’s office that work in mental health court are often sensitive and very much alive to the degree of responsibility of these offenders. The Edmonton Mental Health Court is stymied by an inability to order assessments, and they do not have specialize resources, such as social workers to assign, housing supports, or an ability to refer offenders to the public trustee for guardianship. Edmonton’s Mental Health Court could be more effective with more support from government.
It is in this lesser sphere of heavily mitigated criminal responsibility where I believe we have failed the most. In cases where the offender is already institutionalized in some obvious manner, I say the issue of criminal responsibility has already been closed in favour of finding that this class of offender cannot possibly bare full criminal responsibility. As a start, I would be in favour of a second tier of criminal responsibility, similar to what we do under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. This would acknowledge not only the lower degree of responsibility of the offender, but force the decision maker and society to come to terms with our failings as stewards of our adult population in care. When violence and crime are committed by those we have already declared incapable, the responsibility is on us to make sure it doesn’t happen again as much, if not more, than it is on the mentally disordered individual.
Here is a list of recent news articles involving Rory Ziv and the Edmonton Criminal Lawyer Ziv law firm.
This week Leman v Alberta (Director of Saferoads), 2024 ABKB 332 was issued by Justice Marion. Some of our successful cases were relied on to reach the conclusion that the adjudicator in the case erred in his reasoning process when he found that the motorist was served a Notice of Administrative Penalty “NAP”.
Justice Marion cited Russell v Alberta 2023 ABKB 20 and Ngomesia v Alberta 2023 ABKB 57 both Ziv Law Group cases.
In this case the motorist, known as a Recipient, argued that he was not served a NAP a statutory requirement. When he woke up in the morning, he checked what documents he had received, and they did not include a NAP. The adjudicator held that he accepted that the motorist was served a NAP despite there being silence on this issue by the police officer. The adjudicator felt that because the motorist was drunk he could not accept his evidence. The problem with this reasoning was that the time frame at issue, the morning after was not the time the Recipient was impaired at.
This case is useful because it confirms that there must be personal service of a NAP. Implicitly, service does not count as seeing a NAP on the portal. There must be functional service of the NAP (presumably) before a roadside appeal offered.
The case is also useful because it lists the types of errors that lead to unreasonable decisions. These errors include (cited verbatim):