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Bail Law In Alberta: The Wind is Changing Course

Article by Rory Ziv

[1] I have been practising criminal law in Alberta for at least twenty years. My work has also taken me to other provinces in the country, including Ontario, B.C., Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

[2] Prior to 2017, I had done maybe one or two surety releases in my career. In Alberta, the carrot and the stick, so to speak, had always been releasing on cash bail. This process was efficient. A person was arrested and the offer of cash, where appropriate, was the mechanism used to secure people who required more onerous forms of release.

[3] However, about five years ago, following the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision of R. v. Antic 2017 SCC 27, surety bails became more prevalent in Alberta.

[4] Bail courts in Ontario are vastly different from those in Alberta. In that province, the default method of bail release has always been through a surety: not cash.

[5] What is a surety? In common speak, it is a person known to the accused who acts as a jailor while that person is on community release. It could be a friend, a family member, or even a spouse. The surety promises the court that they will monitor and supervise the accused person and immediately inform the court if that person violates the terms of their release.

[6] The court must trust that the surety is a suitable person to complete this task and sometimes asks that the surety be cross examined on their suitability. See R. v. Smith-Lowe, 2022 ABQB 494, at paras 33-34, where Justice Devlin says:

While the examination of sureties before bail courts is common practice in many jurisdictions, that is less the case in Alberta. With the move away from cash bails pursuant to the guidance of the Supreme Court in R v Antic2017 SCC 27, the practice of examining and cross-examining proposed sureties should become more commonplace here. Sureties are a far superior form of release to cash in that they provide a prosocial influence to the accused individuals, as well as a continuous set of supervising eyes in the community. In turn, hearing from sureties personally is often revelatory as to their suitability. Some sureties significantly impress the Court with their clarity, candour, and strength of character such that a release to them as the gaoler in the community becomes a viable answer to significant primary, secondary, and even tertiary grounds which would otherwise see an accused person detained.
On the other hand, even a brief examination may reveal a surety to be underinformed, naïve, or otherwise unprepared for the task of supervising someone with potentially significant criminal involvement. I strongly urge counsel in the Provincial Court, in which bail applications are most often heard, to adopt the practice of presenting and examining sureties in serious cases. Public safety and confidence in the administration of justice will be greatly enhanced if this is done.

[7] In the more recent decision of R. v. Smith, 2024 ABKB 762, the same Justice Devlin had this to say, at para 1, about Alberta’s bail system: “The history leading to this application is significant and also a source for serious concern about bail practices in this province, especially as concerns have increased relating to alleged repeat offenders being released through a revolving door of small and ineffective cash bails.”

[8] On an aside, the above quote seems to be the same type of rhetoric we now hear politically as the country gears up for a general election this year. In any event, the Justice on the facts of this case was highly critical of the release protocols currently in place in Alberta. The case is a call for action and change. 

[9] Justice Devlin forcefully explains in Smith that “a little bit more cash” is not an effective bail method and that “[t]he practice of granting unsupervised cash bails to individuals apprehended for serious offences while already on bail, especially with a track record of noncompliance and strong indicators of involvement in the drug/criminal subculture, must stop.”

[10] As a result of this case and the political changes happening in Canada, bail practise in Alberta is going to shift from a cash to a surety system. What this means for Alberta lawyers is that the release process is going to require more time and effort to secure and brief sureties and conduct bail hearings. Legal costs and strain on the system will increase. 

[11] I would add that Justice Devlin, at para 22 of Smith, also fairly recognizes that “[i]n Ontario, there has been persuasive criticism of over-reliance on sureties for accused persons without significant criminal antecedents.” In Alberta, we must find the right balance when it comes to the use of sureties in our bail system. 



The Primary Ground

Strength of the Crown’s Case

“The expeditious and sometimes informal nature of a bail hearing may reflect an unrealistically strong case for the Crown”.

            R. v. St Cloud 2015 SCJ NO 27 at paras 57-9

“In considering all of the relevant circumstances, the hearing judge must not become so focused on the gravity of the offence and the strength of the Crown’s case as to overlook that there are no categories of offences for which bail is not a possibility. There are few crimes of violence or of murder where one could not say that the gravity of the offence, considered on its own, without regard for the purpose of bail, justifies detention. There are also many cases where the strength of the Crown’s case appears, at the pre-trial stage, to be overwhelming only to have it unravel as the trial progresses. It is also dangerous to place too much emphasis on the possibility of a lengthy prison term as all serious crimes carry the possibility of such. Giving undue weight to this factor becomes a means to start punishment before conviction.”

R. v. Blind (1999), 139 CCC (3d) (Sask C.A).

‘… there may be some danger in Placing too much emphasis on this factor … [t]his is why the courts have been willing to acknowledge the relevance of this factor, but have emphasized that a strong (even a overwhelming Crown case) is not determinative of bail”.  [1]
The Accused is an Australian Citizen (not a Chinese citizen)

In R. v. Aldrich [1976] BCJ No 421the accused was charged with murder. At para 6:

The Crown forcefully submitted that as a pilot he could move at any time and work anywhere in the world. The Crown further submitted, amongst other things, that there did not appear to be any motive for the killing and if such was the case — such a killer was the most dangerous type of person to be on the loose in the community. A further forceful argument was that in addition to the murder charge the police had found five restricted weapons in the applicant’s possession at the residence which he shared with the victim and he has been charged with offences relating to these weapons.

At para 12:

… [t]he Crown’s submission that being a pilot gives him special advantages does not impress me, as in this day and age one can just as easily flee by commercial airline or other modes of transportation. The applicant’s background as disclosed in his affidavit and testimonial letters submitted on his behalf indicate to me that up to the present time he has been a responsible citizen. I am accordingly satisfied that the applicant’s detention is not necessary to ensure his attendance at his trial.

·         This is true of virtually any person released from custody, resident or not “in this day and age” can flee;

·         Globalization;

·         Extradition Treaties;

Standard of Proof – Balance of probabilities

It seems to me that the burden should be the minimum burden of proof known to the law, not the maximum burden or proof beyond reasonable doubt, as upon the Crown on criminal trials. It seems completely unreasonable that, in such applications which come, ordinarily, in the very early stages of criminal investigations, the burden upon the Crown should be more than that minimum burden that I have indicated.

R. v. Julian 1972 NSJ No. 189 at para 5

Onus of Proof and the presumption of innocence

Parliament has established a clear reverse onus burden on Mr. Alde: pursuant to the provisions of s. 515(6) of the Criminal Code, a judge considering bail must detain him in custody until his trial unless Mr. Alde can “show cause why [his] detention is not justified”. In this case, the reasons of the bail judge make it clear that the bail judge would not consider Mr. Alde’s release unless Mr. Alde could prove his innocence. That standard of proof is more onerous than the burden of proof to establish an accused’s guilt: proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It would be illogical for an accused to have to prove that he is innocent when he is still presumed to be innocent and in circumstances where, at trial, the Crown will only have to prove that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Not only is it illogical, it is also contrary to the provisions of the Charter: sub-paras 11(d) and (e). Therefore, while the burden on an accused in a reverse onus in a bail situation is a heavy one, he does not have to prove that he is innocent.

R. v. Alde [2008] A.J. No 1585 (Alta Q.B.) at para 15 (J. Veit)

[1][1] The Law of Bail in Canada (3rd edition) Gary T. Trotter, Carswell, 3-7