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Conditional Discharges in Spousal Assault Cases

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Conditional Discharges in Spousal Assault Cases

Conditional Discharges in Spousal and Domestic Assaults

It would seem that Conditional Discharges in Spousal or other domestic assault cases are granted relatively easily.

R. v. A.G. [2005] A.J. No. 1226

is a case where conditional discharge was granted where the accused grabbed stool and threw it, took complainant by the hair and bent her head backwards, and struck her in the face. The accused was only scratched on the face by complainant. The accused was a police officer and the complainant did not want him charged. The parties used to be married, and had reconciled.

Sentence: Conditional discharge; 15 months’ probation; 100 hours community service; $100 victim fine surcharge.

R. v. Aymont [2008] A.J. No. 1150 2008 ABPC 285

A Conditional discharge imposed for 15 months, with accused on probation for that length of time. The couple were married. The nature of the assault is described as follows.

“Specifically, as the complainant Jenna Aymont proceeded upstairs purportedly to get the child and leave the residence, Trevor Aymont followed her, pushed her down onto the stairs, and began choking her. In her statement to the police Jenna Aymont indicated that this caused her to “black out a bit.” She responded to this by punching the accused in the face. The accused then dragged Jenna Aymont down the stairs she was on, but she then broke away and proceeded back up the stairs. The accused followed her to an upstairs bedroom where he again held her by her neck and slapped her several times with an open hand.”

R. v. D.E.D. [2007] A.J. No. 1531 2007 ABQB 508

This is another case where a conditional discharge was granted. This is a case of a father’s assault on his daughter.

“The Appellant put his right hand on D.D.’s neck and pushed her back onto a blanket on the bed where she was sitting, holding her there for a few seconds (without restricting her breathing) and telling her that he would find her and bring her back if she tried to run away again.” The Appellant also cuffed her on the left side of the head earlier.

R. v. Dunn [2013] A.J. No. 418 2013 ABQB 181

HELD: A conditional discharge and 12 months’ probation were imposed.

Sentencing of the accused, 43, for assault. The complainant was the accused’s wife. When she told the accused that the marriage was over, an argument ensued. The accused then pushed the complainant down onto the bed and crawled on top of her, pinning her to the bed. The accused had no prior record and pleaded guilty. Subsequent to this incident he attended counselling. Both spouses were employed as correction officers. The accused sought a conditional discharge.

R. v. Knowlton [2005] A.J. No. 193 2005 ABPC 29

Knowlton received a conditional discharge with a 20 month probationary period.

Sentencing of Knowlton following his guilty plea to a charge of common assault. Knowlton assaulted his estranged common law spouse while intoxicated. The assault involved slapping the complainant, pushing her to the floor, kicking her in the face and slamming her wrist between a door and its frame. The motive for the assault was jealousy. Police noted sizeable bruising and swelling on the complainant’s face, wrist and knee. Knowlton had no recollection of the assault when arrested the following day. Knowlton was an aboriginal man raised in an environment of alcohol abuse and physical violence. He had three children with the complainant with whom he reconciled following the offence. He attributed his difficulties in his life to alcohol, drug abuse, impoverished living conditions and the lack of employment opportunities on his Reserve. A positive presentence report stated that Knowlton abstained from drugs and alcohol following the offence. Knowlton also enrolled in school, attended counselling courses directed at anger management, spousal abuse and family violence prevention. Knowlton had a prior criminal record of two dated convictions.

R. v. Serafinchon [2009] A.J. No. 1139 2009 ABPC 308

A conditional discharge was imposed. The accused was placed on 18 months’ probation

Sentencing of the accused for assault. The accused pleaded guilty. The accused sought a conditional discharge. The complainant was the accused’s common law partner and the mother of his young child. The accused kicked her on the street while she lay at his feet. The complainant’s face was bloodied as a result of the injuries sustained in the assault. The accused, 26, was employed as a trucker. The parties reconciled after the incident and the accused had been taking steps in order to deal with issues of alcohol abuse. The accused has no prior criminal record and had shown remorse for the incident.

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